A long and small number is what all women want to have but few are blessed with it. Although thinness is still achieved through many of the weight loss strategies available around the world, it is not always easy to increase our height after a few years. No matter how attractive a tall and slim body looks, a person’s height is largely determined by genetics, nutrition, exercise, and age. Therefore, no commercial product can increase your growth and make you look taller even if you claim to do so. Here comes the importance of yoga. It relaxes the brain and relieves stress on a large scale, thus stimulating the body to produce more growth hormone, It also removes toxins from the body to promote the growth of healthy cells in them, so try yoga to increase height, addition, yoga improves our body shape by keeping our back straight and stretching our muscles so that we do not look too short.
Here are 10 simple but amazing, yoga to increase height tips you should know:
1. Altar of the Sun (Surya Namaskar)
Named as a series of worships to the Hindu Sun God ‘Surya‘, the Sun shrine celebrates the deity of the sun. This form of yoga has been practiced since ancient times as a full-fledged workout and rising altitude is one of the most common benefits. Sun Greeting is basically a good sequence of 12 different ‘asanas’ or postures, which need to be done as one continuous exercise. It is customary in the morning, with the sun rising. Daily exercise twice a day – at sunrise and sunset – makes the spine and joints more flexible.
2. Hand-to-foot posture (Hastapadasana)
If the upper part of your body is shorter than the lower part, you need to get used to this constant bending. It is known to work on every part of our body by stretching the spine and stretching the hamstring. Therefore, you will be able to gain more height and look better.
3. Wheel Shape (Chakrasana) Yoga to Increase Height
Chakrasana, also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana, is a great help in increasing height, regardless of your age. It involves bending backwards like a ‘chakra’ or ‘wheel’, which requires building strength and flexibility. As a result, the stretch of the spine increases dramatically and the body becomes more flexible. Both of these contribute to high altitude. The baby also protrudes from a normal sitting position with open chest, shoulders and hips.
4. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)Yoga to Increase Height
This is one of the easiest yoga practices you can practice from the earliest days of increasing your height. Being the basis of the yoga posture, it has been found to strengthen the spinal cord and limbs (arms and legs). It also helps to keep the whole body moving faster, which is really helpful in gaining weight.
5. Tree Shape (Vriksasana)
When it comes to growing taller with a strong yoga practice, tree standing is considered a good option. It requires concentration and concentration to practice this solid and well-founded tree structure. Asana directs calf and leg muscles and plays an important role in strengthening. As these muscles become stronger, your chances of gaining height also increase.
6. Position of the Downside Dog (Adhomukha Svanasana)
This baby is also known as the simple ‘dog pose’. Not only does it stretch the muscles and make them stronger but it also helps to strengthen blood flow throughout the body. Therefore, you can expect a major change in your height.
7. Cat Pose (Marjariasana)
Like a dog pose, you can also do cat pose to get a jealous height. During this process, the spinal cord is completely extended in both forward and backward directions. It helps to expand each disc of cartilage present in the spinal column, which ultimately increases height.
Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind as you plan to practice to yoga to increase height
Surya Namaskar should never be done by pregnant women. You should also avoid this baby as you go through your menstrual cycles.
If you have a hernia problem, be sure to consult your doctor before practicing any asana.
People with hypertension and heart problems should never practice Surya Namaskara and Hastapadasana without consulting a doctor.
Stay away from trikonasana if you suffer from back or spinal injuries.
Yoga should always be practiced under professional guidance. This helps to prevent all kinds of physical and / or emotional problems.
You may also like to read – Yoga For Newbies: Yoga Poses For Beginners