Career Mistake
Work is God, everybody agrees. We choose to do work which gives us some sense of purpose in life.
Choosing a career and a life goal is very important. It defines your personality, your social status and financial stability. To have a career is very important for personal growth.
Career planning is vital once you have completed your education. Setting smart goals will enable you to design your life according to your wants and wishes. Once you have set your smart career objectives, it fixes your future safety and stability. Everyone does what life offers to them. They do mobilize their skills according to their capabilities. But advance career planning enables you to set a target and business goals. And this pertains to our career as well.
Career planning in advance encourages us to choose a profession according to our personality and skills. Our twenties is the right age to choose a career, completing our personal and financial satisfaction. Yet twenties is the age where we have yet to explore so much in the world. It is the age where we are not too old to have an hands on experience and not too young to acknowledge and harness our potential. We are unaware as to what our life has to offer to us and how we can utilize our potential to the maximum. For beginners, here are few career mistakes we tend to make at an early age :
10 Career Mistakes

Go with the flow
The attitide of go with the flow doesn’t fit well in the long run. It is detrimental to self worth and it contradicts our wishes. Some youngsters choose whatever job is offered to them just because it is available. Switching jobs too often is also a mistake one commits. Avoid switching jobs just for money.
No career planning
Most of the youngsters do not invest time intorspecting as to what career is suitable to their personality and skill set. They do not understand the importance of setting life goals and their effects.

Following the herd
Most of is land up choosing an educational program which is popular or commonly chosen in society. Due to personal reasons, we choose a particular stream assuming it will bring maximum monetary returns in the future.
Maximum profits
In your twenties, you have small wants and you happen to choose a job which provides you maximum money to fulfill those. But in the long run, it tears your down physically and mentally. The career or a job may provide you good money but not personal satisfaction. And when you don’t love what you do, it bring the feeling of inadequacy and unhappiness. Don’t run after money.
Unaware about career prospects
Some youngsters are not aware the wide range of career options available. They are unaware of how wide a net can be casted. Due to the lack of knowledge of different career fields and educational programs they do mistake in choosing desired career.

Lack of self confidence
Due to lack of self confidence lots of people in twenties make a mistake of choosing wrong career. They do not a step forward to seek the variety of business options. They do know what they are good at but lack the self confidence to pursue it.
Some youngsters choose a career according to instant liking and interest at early age. They are excited to join a new company but with time they lose interest since it does not motivate them anymore. For example a person excellent in marketing chooses a administration job. He will be bored in some time because that is not suitable to his personality and hence feel demotivated. Ultimately it leads to doom and confusion.
Lack of career counselling
Some youngsters make a fatal mistake of not taking career counselling. It is extremely essential to get career guidance. The counselling helps bring clarity as to what you are actually good at. It streamlines your interest.
No proper purpose
Lack of sense of purpose encourages a person to make wrong career choices. Few of us are not tuned enough as to what we actually want to do in life. The twenties is the apt age where you should introspect as to how you can be useful to others.
Lack of opportunities.
Lack of opportunities is an ill fated reason when we choose a wrong career. Due to lack of correct opportunities and educational programmes a person chooses a wrong profession and feel incomplete whole life. Mistaking a wrong career option bring inadequacy and inefficiency eventually bringing huge disappointment.
It is essential for youngsters to seek career guidance, for it will bring clarity. We all know the fact that everyone ends up doing one or the other job. But at what cost? Our mental peace and self-worth. Counselling brings knowledge and common sense while making a correct decision in choosing business and career goals. The youngsters must get a hands on experience during the internship in chosen field. It will encourage you to choose the profession you will be happy with. Be confident, choose the right instutions and reach your potential. Do not make a mistake of choosing wrong career as it brings confusion and mismanagement the whole life.
People, never settle for less! Ciao.